About The Eudaimonia Project

The Eudaimonia Project is the documentation of conversations and experience that exchange wisdom from traditions and perspectives around the world.

It surveys and broadcasts the wisdom from the widest breadth of communities: the rich, poor, respected, outcasts, peaceful, anxious, protected, respected, religious, atheistic, successful, and unsuccessful. I know wisdom can be found anywhere, you just need to seek with a discerning openness.

Broadly, I ask:

  1. How do peoples traditions and daily activities enable a eudaimonic trajectory?
  2. How can we challenge ourselves to learn from their perspective?

I document how people answer these questions in two primary ways. By recording discussions and interviews, but, more importantly, investigating what people do. There is wisdom beyond words, embodied within our actions and how they are carried out.

Zach Simopoulos

I am a Religious Studies Scholar and Software Engineer with a desire to encourage conversations about things that really matter. Things beyond politics, virtue signaling, and the culture war. Things like meaning, morality and our negotiations with it, the trajectory of humanity, and what we can learn from traditions around the world. I hope this project can provide a nuanced perspective on the world and people.

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